HK Parrot

| | On-the-rock

| | New Year's Day at Samhwasa Temple

Fifty Shades of Autumn

| | Burning Iceland

| | 2012 Iceland Odyssey

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Hyde Park Series

| | Atlanta Railway #1

| | Bird of Perfection

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Big Brother

| | 인습의 뿌리를 끊어라 - Break the convention

| | 겨울로 가는 길 - On the Way to Winter

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틈 - Gap

| | 하늘에 뿌리를 내리다 - Rooted in the sky

| | 0° , 45° , 90°

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부서지는 파도 - The breakers

| | 물재떨이 - Ash tray

| | 꽃의 여행 - Flower on a Trip

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붉은민들레 - Red dandelion

| | 노란고추? - Yellow Chilli Pepper?

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