Gallery #1 - Objective Photographs  ( 20 photos )
Exhibition by 이규화(Lee, Kyu-Hwa)

Obvious, likely to sympathize
쉽게 공감할 만한 사진들

Gallery #2 - Subjective Photographs  ( 35 photos )
Exhibition by 이규화(Lee, Kyu-Hwa)

Photos that can be seen differently depending on one's experiences
과거의 경험에 따라 사람마다 다르게 느껴질 수 있는 사진들

Gallery #3 - Precious Moments  ( 16 photos )
Exhibition by 이규화(Lee, Kyu-Hwa)

Gallery #4 - Travel  ( 57 photos )
Exhibition by 이규화(Lee, Kyu-Hwa)