Gallery #2 - Subjective Photographs
by 이규화(Lee, Kyu-Hwa)


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  previous page next page   전체 35장 중 1 ~ 35장

Dream Flight

Hyde at Midnight

A journey into my dream


Ghost Ship

In the middle of nowhere

Once in a dream...

Naturally Unnatural !

One Purple Night


High Museum, raining

비맞다 - Getting rained on

Big Brother

커피와 담배 - Coffee and Cigarettes

E# E

불안과 희망 사이 - Between worry and hope

Life, a maze that returns to the start

눈보라 치던 날 - Snow showering down

나무의 침범 I - Invasion of trees I

나무의 침범 II - Invasion of trees II

까치와 나무 #2 (by mother)

사다리 - a ladder

성 - Castle

출입금지구역 - Off-limits

비오는 날의 문 - A door on a rainy day

변화를 꿈꾸지만 결국은 반복의 테두리 속에서
Wishing for a change but agian in the same routine

그림자 - Shadow of Myself #1

향수 - Nostalgia

벽 - Wall

얼마남지 않았다 - Not Much Left

파란소년 - Blue Boy

갯벌 행성 - Mud Planet

울기직전 - About to Cry

6 A.M, Christmas

까치와 나무 - Magpie on a Tree

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35 photos found. This exhibition has 35 photos in total. Exhibition was launched June 18th, 2003.
Combined pageviews in this exhibition is 85242.